Principal's Message
It is a matter of immense honour to be associated with this outstanding academic institution which has completed forty glorious years of providing selfless service to the city residents. Through years of hard work, commitment and dedication by the various stakeholders such as teachers, students and parents, the school has reached the pinnacle of academic excellence. With the blessings of the Almighty and adept guidance of our supportive management, the school has always yielded extraordinary results and established a strong educational legacy.We understand that students learn best when they are actively engaged in the dynamics of learning and the process becomes inclusive and comprehensive when it is facilitated through a plethora of activities such as play way techniques, kinaesthetic experiments, research and experiential approaches. Our dedicated and upskilled faculty members proactively provide guidance to the students in various arenas such as scholastics, co-scholastics, sports & fitness, emotional wellbeing & career counseling. ‘Learning for Life’, which is a much sought after new age skill, is our core philosophical working practice through which we strive to build character & academic profiles. Our aim is to prepare students to be adaptable, committed, competent, respectful, resilient, and global in their outlook. A holistic approach incorporating the revolutionary ideals of our guiding mentors and scholars like Swami Dayanand Saraswati ji and Mahatma Hansraj ji in tune with the contemporary, innovative & analytical skills, we continue to provide world class education to successive generations of learners. We aim to equip young children with traits of confidence, character and curiosity, intending to transform them into accountable & worldly adults who serve the community. Here is looking forward to a productive & collaborative partnership with all academic stakeholders as we continue tapping into the latent potential of our precious students.
Best Wishes & Regards
Dr. Pallavi Sethi